
Download sedra and smith microelectronic circuits pdf
Download sedra and smith microelectronic circuits pdf

BecauseLAMBDA is bigger for the NMOS than the PMOS, it pulls the operating point at the outputdown towards ground. This is because the calculated results in the problem solution do notaccount for the current flowing due to channel-length modulation (LAMBDA). This will make M1 close to triode region and so, VO willhave limited signal swing. It is important to note that V OV is specified at 0.15 V for M1, so V1 should have a dc bias valueof 0.55V according to the calculation. Find out the operating points of the transistors.3. Run the netlist and perform DC simulation. The schematic for this problem is shown below2. Sedra/Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Eighth Edition, Spice solutionsProblem: 8.451. Sedra/Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Eighth Edition, Spice solutions6. So, the output impedance R o 31.78 kΩ.1 Oxford University Press, 2020Chapter 8 Uncomment AC analysis and find out RO by plotting M(V(VO)/I(V3))5. The minimum voltage for the current source M2 to be in saturation region is V CSmin V OV(VDSAT) 0.179V.

download sedra and smith microelectronic circuits pdf

Sedra/Smith, Microelectronic Circuits, Eighth Edition, Spice solutionsProblem: 8.51. GaudetSpice Problems SolutionsChapter 8Prepared by: Nijwm Wary2019 Oxford University Press, 2020

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